Denise Chew

Yoga Instructor

Denise discovered Ashtanga Yoga in 2001.

In 2004, she went to Mysore to practice at the source with Shri K Pattabhi Jois and his grandson R Sharath Jois. She was given Level 2 authorisation (blessing to teach the Full Intermediate Series) on her 2011 trip.

“Yoga started as a purely physical exercise when I picked it up in January 2001. I developed strength, balance and flexibility (I failed sit-and-reach in the physical fitness test!). With regular practice, I discovered yoga’s internal benefits. Focusing on the breath helps to quieten my mind, building self-awareness and calmness which I carry over from my practice to daily life. As my body is now familiar with the postures, it is free to move with the breath, becoming ‘meditation in motion’. After each practice, I feel calmer and refreshed – in body, mind and spirit.”

“Yoga will be different things to different people. To some, it’ll just be a weekly exercise. To others, it’ll deepen into a spiritual practice and a way of life. Teaching gives me the opportunity to share my own yoga experience with others. I am blessed that many of my students have practiced with me for at least 5 years; some from when I started teaching in 2003. My aim is to nurture and support them in developing a lifelong yoga practice, which will sustain them through life’s ups and downs. I strive to help students establish a regular practice as that is when we discover things about ourselves, physically, mentally and spiritually. My satisfaction comes from watching my students grow and evolve on their own personal yoga journeys; each an individual and unique experience.”